PRESS RELEASE(Lewand & Zryd clients)
As you should have heard by now, Jerry Lewand of Lewand Zryd Associates is retiring as of June 30, 2023. He has discussed with our firm to acquire his existing business and personal clients to do their accounting and taxes going forward. Our physical office is literally right across the street; he is in Bohemia and we are in Ronkonkoma.
We are a full service accounting firm and have been for forty-five years. We are located in our own building and have been since 1989. We are CPA's and Enrolled Agents and undergo annual continued professional education to assure that we are on top of the latest developments In our field. Our accounting and tax staff members have been here longterm and are committed to timely, personalized service. Our computer technology Is state of the art and constantly updated. We grow through word of mouth recommendations and would appreciate any referrals from existing clients.
We are proud of this latest development and hope that you will be also. Qur growth and attention to personalized service has been a significant part of who we are as we approach our forty-sixth year as a CPA firm. Our list of long-term personnel and client relationships speaks touder for us than anything else.
Please look at our website “” to see who we are. Please contact us by telephone or email to answer any questions you may have. We are here to serve you.